Labels:bulletin board | reckoner | sky OCR: Lager Beer Fermentation Time. U.S. 10-14in Europe) Fermentation Temp. Alcoholic weight (Hue) Pale 7010 The word sterms from the German term for "to store and refers tc the long period of time that lager beers are aged during the secondary fementation stage Lager beers are bottom fermented at low temperatures Many types of lager beer are produced including "Pilsener "Dortmunder "Vienna "Munich, and "Festbier For U.S beer drinkers, "Pilsner lager beer 'Vienna style is usually an amber beer -Munich" is darker lager beer and "Festbier is usually brewed at specific time of year such as before Christmas or Easter Virtually all U.S mass produced beers are lagers and use corn and rice as adjuncts (artificial ingredients), the resulting beers have 1ess body less taste and are inferior to those prod ...